Mix’d Musings

Yay, Open for Business!

2021-04-02 | English, Business, News, 日本語


“Create a life you love.” *cringe*

Overused by many in the online coaching sphere. But, it is kinda true. Every person has creativity and the ability to work towards a more fulfilling life – for themselves and others. But being a pessimistic optimist, I don’t believe it is 100% achievable. Progress though no matter how small is worth the effort and half the fun is the ride (and the company you keep and the beverage you drink).

Since February 2020, I have been in the unemployment club. While living on Japan’s excellent unemployment benefits scheme and odd jobs I have used this unplanned sabbatical to reassess where I am heading. Job-hunting, reading, studying, talking and listening to others and lots of thinking and creative endeavors.

When one thing ends…

But all good unemployment benefits do come to an end and this girl needs to maintain her “craft beer at the pub” habit.

Education, government, creative agency, craft beer. I’ve been employed at some great and not-so-great companies over the past 25 years in Japan. And I’ve gotten to the point of “been there, done that.” in the job hunt. (Don’t get me started on the jokingly low hourly wages for graphic designers here.) It has been a good ride but time for a new challenge.

So, of course the next logical step is…

Plus Cat Wrangler…aka Self-Employed

On March 31st I officially declared Mix’d Cultures as open for business. As a kojin-jigyou (sole-proprietorship) it involves only filing a declaration with the Japan tax office, but it marks a new beginning. I aimed for one of the super lucky days for starting a new business according to the old Japanese almanac.

March 31, 2021, marks one of only 3 days in the year when multiple lucky stars are aligned. 一粒万倍日 (ichiryuu-manbai-bi) “Day of ten thousandfold returns” and 天赦日 (tensha-nichi) “Auspicious day to start a new endeavor” – or my favorite translation of it “Day when the mystical powers of the universe are at their peak” – both fall on this day. Who knows if it’ll work but my almanac-consulting mother-in-law will be relieved that I chose this day.

Mix’d Cultures
Why not add some umai design to the mix?

Mix’d Cultures offers design communication services such as editorial design, illustration, content-creation and strategy, and eventually original products as well. Specializing in the Japanese craft food & beverage sector, through design I help businesses communicate and individuals celebrate all the umai (deliciousness) in Japan.

While I love having my cats as my main coworkers, who prevent me from being too productive, self-employment can get lonely at times. This new solopreneur would love to collaborate with other designers, entrepreneurs, brewers, chefs, craftspeople on new projects.

Learn more about me on the site’s English page. You can also check out past work on my portfolio and current project updates on Instagram.

Give me a call, email, or message…and let’s chat about how we can work together. Or better yet, let’s talk over a pint of stout or a couple cups of Shizuoka sake.

Pamela Jewell - Mix'd Cultures





Mix’d Culturesスタジオの個人事業を始まる!

3月31日、税務署に開業届けを提出してMix’d Cultures(ミクスカルチャー)を正式に始まりました。個人事業だけので簡単ですが、これで新たなスタートを切ることができました。念の為、今年3回しかない一粒万倍日 +天赦日が重なる日に。

Mix’d Culturesは、エディトリアルデザイン、イラストレーション、コンテンツ制作・戦略などのデザインコミュニケーションサービスを提供して、近い将来にはオリジナル商品も販売したいです。日本のクラフト飲食分野に専門して、デザインを通じて企業と個人が日本の「うまい」を世界につ会える・セレブレイトするのお手伝いをしています。


