Tigerlily – Logo Design & Illustration

The incredibly versatile and talented voice actor and producer Kimberly Tierney Baba of Lily Productions ( lilypro) first reached out looking for a nenga-jo (New Year’s card) design. Working on a variety of projects from corporate videos to character voices and educational programs such as NHK’s Kiso Eigo 2 radio, Kimberly wanted something playful yet be taken seriously by businesses. She also wanted an image that would connect Lily Productions with her recently formed company, Tigerlily.
The almost literal Tiger Lily nenga-jo illustration posses the elegance and femininity of flowers, yet embodies strength and a bit of mischievous play of a tiger. During the remaining 3-month retainer period, I developed branding assets for her newly established company Tigerlily llc. The main logo features the Tigerlily brand character based on the nenga-jo illustration with, simplified versions also so she could easily communicate the brand image in any size or media. The business cards continue the playful spirit with the swish of a tiger tail while the postcards bring on some elegance with gold ink incorporated into the design (both digitally printed by Prinpa) .
Lily Productions ( lilypro ) の声優でありプロデューサーでもあるキンバリー馬場さんは、年賀状のデザインを最初に依頼されました。企業ビデオ、キャラクター声優、NHKの基礎英語2ラジオなどの教育番組など、様々なプロジェクトで活躍しているキンバリーは、遊び心がありながらも、ビジネスで真剣に受け止められるものを求めていました。また、Lily Productionsと最近設立したTigerlily合同会社を結びつけるようなイメージが欲しかったです。

Business Cards 名刺

Post Cards with gold ink ゴールド印刷のハガキ

New Year’s Card & illustration 年賀状とイラスト
Pam is so wonderful to work with!!!
Her designs are elegant but she can balance that with fun and playful surprises!!! Highly recommend!!
デザインはエレガントの上、遊び心とサプライズを加えるバランスをとれます!!!! とてもお勧めです!
Client: Tigerlily合同会社; Tokyo, Japan
Period: 2021-2022
Work: Logo, illustration, business cards, postcards