Mix’d Musings

Shizuoka Kampai

2020-09-08 | Design, English, 日本語


2020. Year of the Rat. Wow, you have been throwing us doozies.
This has been a time of change and reflection for all of us, including here in Shizuoka. But one thing is constant. Good food and drink bring people together.

shizuoka kampai

Here is an illustrated logo I did for the hashtag campaign #シズオカンパイ (Cheers to Shizuoka) started by one of the city’s first beer halls, Grow Stock. Designed with the concept that beer, and the people of Shizuoka, comes in all colors, shapes, flavors and accepts everyone. We can all give cheers to that!

Plus I played around with it as a GIF. I need to try that more… Shizuoka and beer Instagram stickers! Are you interested in using stickers?

shizuoka kampai gif

Remember to support your local shops, restaurants and breweries as much as you can. Now more than ever they need your help.

Shizuoka Kampai シズオカカンパイ

2020年、子年。 予測できないほどの事が多いですね。

上記のイラストとgifは、静岡市のビアホールGrow Stockの提案した、静岡のパブやクラフトビール醸造所を応援しよう「#シズオカンパイ」キャンペーンのために作りました。「ビールと同じく、静岡人も様々な”色”、”味”、”形”があり、全てを歓迎する」のコンセプトで作りました。
