広野ももエールのラベルデザイン! 🍑
Life is peachy when a new beer label design is on the shelves.
再出発となったAoi Beerがラベルのデザインさせていただいています。静岡愛を感じて、さらにレトロ感があるラベルの希望に応えて、季節や限定ビールのラベルテーマは「蘭字」。
大人気のアオイ桃エールは限定醸造して、今年もあっという間に無くなりそう。アオイ系列で生で飲みます。ボトルは@sake_online ですでに完売!😱 まだ @beer_yamaya (instagram) と @mugi_shizuoka (instagram) ではあるそうです。と言っても、フルーツと同じようにフレッシュが一番。お早めに。
Finally can announce the 1st in a series of new beer labels I’m designing for Aoi Brewing !
Hirono Momo Ale is a limited-run fruit ale using peaches from local farms. The limited & seasonal beer label design is inspired by the turn of the 20th century tea label art called ranji.

Fujiyama Tea Co., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
These labels were often used on tea boxes meant for export around the world, many of which were shipped out of the Shimizu Port here in Shizuoka (Here is a good English blog article about ranji, and ukiyo-e.).
Hirono Momo Ale sells out fast. If you are in Shizuoka stop by an AOI pub for a pint (at a juicy but not too sweet 4% ABV, its a perfect summer afternoon beer)!
More beer label art:
Blog post: Sengen Golden Ale
Blog post: Shizuhata IPA
Sumpu Alt label intro coming soon
You can see all the labels in my portfolio page also.